Join us May 4 as we celebrate the Walsh University Class of 2024. Ceremony details and other related event information can be found below along with answers to frequently asked questions.
7 AM, Doors Open, Cecchini Center
8 AM, Toast to the Tassel, for 2024 Graduates and Faculty, Cecchini Center Auxiliary Gym
Celebratory Toast Ceremony with all graduates and faculty as President Tim Collins salutes the 2024 graduates
Note: Parents and guests may watch the Toast Ceremony in the Alumni Arena live on the large screens.
8:30 AM, Commencement Processional Begins, Alumni Arena (please be seated by 8:15 AM for a special pre-show)
11:30 AM–2 PM, Cavs Fest, Lot M (see Campus Map below)
Take photos, enjoy light refreshments, or buy a treat from one of four food trucks, collect a free gift from the Alumni Association
1:15 PM, Doors open, Cecchini Center
2:15 PM, Toast to the Tassel, for 2024 Graduates and Faculty, Cecchini Center Auxiliary Gym
Celebratory Toast Ceremony with all graduates and faculty as President Tim Collins salutes the 2024 graduates
Note: Parents and guests may watch the Toast Ceremony in the Alumni Arena live on the large screens.
2:45 PM, Commencement Processional Begins, Alumni Arena (please be seated by 2:30 PM for a special pre-show)
5:45–6:45 PM, Cavs Fest, Lot M (see Campus Map below)
Take photos, enjoy light refreshments, or buy a treat from one of four food trucks, collect a free gift from the Alumni Association
Not sure which ceremony your major falls under? View a breakdown of majors by ceremony.
Walsh University has always been committed to fairness and serving the Common Good. In this light, we want to allow our graduates to have a reasonable number of family members to attend Commencement given different family sizes. Consequently, Walsh University will be allowing open seating at this year's Commencement Ceremonies. Although tickets will not be required, we ask that you are respectful of other graduates and do not bring an excessive number of guests beyond your immediate family/loved ones. We will leave it up to the graduates to determine what that amount is, but we are expecting an average of 5 guests per graduate. Please have your guests arrive and be seated no later than 15 minutes before each ceremony. A pre-show will begin at that time. Seating is first come first served. Overflow seating will be available in the Barrette Business and Community Center.
There is no formal rehearsal for Commencement. We ask that all graduates meet at the Cecchini Center in the Auxiliary Gym. All graduates will enter at the South Entrance near the Birk Center. Upon arrival, you will check-in and be directed to the appropriate area. Approach the stage to have your name read aloud during the ceremony. Marshals will be on site to distribute honor cords and to orchestrate the lineup for the procession and seating.
Graduates will line up single file. Marshals will direct you into your seats. When your degree is announced, you will come forward. Upon entering the stage, you will hand off your name card and process across the stage to receive your diploma cover. Actual diplomas will be mailed to you in early June upon certification of all graduation requirements. Only graduates are permitted to process across the stage.
Though the time varies depending on the length of speeches, it is safe to anticipate 2–3 hours.
Academic Attire includes the academic gown, hood, and mortarboard (cap). Gowns should be clean and pressed*. It is not an appropriate time to promote personal political or ideological beliefs by wearing symbols on (face coverings, mortar board art, sashes, bracelets/jewelry, or other personal adornments) representing political or ideological alignments. It is perfectly acceptable for graduating seniors to wear stoles representing honors earned, approved campus organizations, country of origin, or tasteful cap adornments and art expressing love for family, respect to others, and well wishes for a great future.
Face coverings, if worn, should be simple and not expressing any particular ideology or political affiliation. Although there is no official dress code for what you wear under your gown, professional wear is always appropriate.
*Since the graduation gowns are made of polyester, ironing directly on it can melt the fabric. Turn the gown inside out and place a white towel over the fabric and iron over the towel on the warm setting. Try not to hold the iron in one spot for too long to prevent scorching.
Graduates should be dressed in your cap and gown upon arrival. Please do not bring personal items to the staging rooms. They will NOT be monitored during the ceremony and Walsh will not be responsible for any lost or stolen items you leave in the staging rooms. Leave purses, etc. in a secure location prior to arriving at the auxiliary gym. Graduates do not return to the staging rooms after Commencement.
Undergraduate and graduate degree candidates will wear their hoods. Volunteers will be on site to assist you if needed.
Doctoral Candidates will be hooded during their commencement ceremony. When your degree is announced, you will come forward carrying your hood over your arm. You will process to the first available faculty member and hand them your hood. Then turn to face the audience while the faculty member places the hood over your head onto your shoulders. Turn to thank the professor than exit the stage
Walsh University will be allowing open seating at this year's Commencement Ceremonies. Although tickets will not be required, we ask that you are respectful of other graduates and do not bring an excessive number of guests beyond your immediate family/loved ones. We will leave it up to the graduates to determine what that amount is, but we are expecting an average of 5 guests per graduate. Seating is first come first served. Overflow seating will be available in the Barrette Business and Community Center.
Graduates should arrive one hour before their ceremony. The doors open to the Cecchini Health and Wellness Center and Barrette Business & Community Center simulcast one hour before the ceremony. Seating for guests is on a first come, first serve basis. Fifteen minutes prior to the start of the ceremony, we will restrict admittance into the Alumni Arena to allow the graduates to process in. For security reasons all bags will be subject to search.
There will be parking available throughout campus. Campus Police will be available to direct your families. We are also offering shuttle service from the parking lots. Please look for signage for the nearest shuttle.
Handicapped parking spaces will be available in front of the Cecchini Center (Lot M).
Yes, the bookstore will be open 10 AM–4 PM on Saturday.
GradImages has been engaged to photograph each graduate as diplomas are presented. Information regarding the purchase of photographs will be forwarded to all students and their families following commencement.
The Office of Campus and Community Programs:
Kristi Reese | 330.490.7117 | [email protected]
The Office of Academic Affairs:
Kathie Gray | 330.490.7123 | [email protected]
The Baccalaureate Holy Mass is a celebration that honors the graduating class.
Absolutely not. Any religious affiliation is welcome.
All are welcome (including family members) and no tickets are required. There is no special seating for Baccalaureate. You will sit with your guests.
Academic Regalia is not required for this event.